Today is THE day! Today is the day many of us reflect, review and resolve to make next year the best year ever, or at the very least, better than last year. I personally had a love-hate relationship with this time of year for many years.
I LOVED this time of year for setting goals and having the opportunity to do things better. I HATED the feeling of failing that came just weeks later. So, I simply looked for more occasions throughout the year to "start over". Then I wouldn't feel like a complete failure for not doing what I aimed to do because I gave myself a second chance with each "start over". I found that I could START OVER on my birthday, on the first day of the church year and on the first day of the month. I could even START OVER on the first day of the week. As I continued this love-hate relationship between my actions and my feelings, I recognized that only the TRUTH would set me free of this crazy thinking cycle.
By remembering daily WHOSE I am, I can review each day and be thankful for my blessings, be aware of my faults, be sorry for my sins and rest in the assurance that Christ paid the price so I can start over each day a new day no matter how I felt about what I accomplished that day! As a redeemed child of God, I am never a failure.
I also learned that the setting of regular goals with completion dates, with motivating rewards, a weekly review plus a daily plan of action was the way to stay on track with the earthly tasks of life. I continue to learn better ways to achieve the things that I want/need to do. My failure or success in action is just that and I can choose to take the steps in the right direction each day.
Now I have grown to love the "START OVER" that each day offers but I still love this time of year for major reflection and goal setting. I hope you come to love and appreciate the opportunity each new day brings and that you plan to make this your best year!
TODAY is the day!