Thursday, June 5, 2014

No Place Like Home

Today finds our family home together doing what people do when they are at home . . .

Last fall I started organizing for a garage sale and had placed all of the books for sale on an older book case. Since Ken has been in the hospital so much, I had not been able to have the sale so I decided to take advantage of being home and returned to the garage sale project.  The first thing I did was remove the bins of non-sale items from the garage BUT I forgot that the bookcase was being supported by storage bins!

Since Ken's health has been unpredictable for many years there are times it has been difficult to plan very many things very far in advance.  When it comes to garage sales, I just wait for others in the area to have a sale, then I put out MY sign.  Here's what the sign looks like when you cannot predict the future!

I had spent the morning organizing for the sale, stopped to see a friend and then was going to shop for groceries. While visiting, my friend encouraged me to open up the sale that night since others in the area were doing the same.  I decided grocery shopping could wait so I returned home to gather a few more things to sell.  Upon entering the basement I felt a spray of water across my face. One of the pipes had sprung a leak and shot water for eight feet across the basement and made a lot of things very wet!


I had to call another friend to learn how to shut off the water.  (Thank God for great friends!)  In the meantime, my son grabbed the duct tape.  At least he slowed down the leak!  Once the pipe was fixed correctly by the local plumber, I decided to forgo setting up the sale so I could spend the evening cleaning up the basement.  I think I did what any other woman would do - I STARTED dinner, STARTED jotting down ideas for the blog and STARTED thinking about how I was going to get the all the wet things dry!


I must have STARTED too many things because now I have a pan of burnt veggies!  I'm STARTING to think it is not all that bad being away from home, however, something inside me makes me believe there's truly no place like home!


  1. LOL, Lisa. Looks like you had one of THOSE DAYS! AT least Ken is home so that is a good thing. Dinner? NOT so good! Hey- you don't need to look cute AND cook! xo Diana

  2. I have had days like that!! Luckily your smoke alarm did not go off!

  3. Hi Lisa. I learned about your blog from Jan at The Comfort of a Safe Place. I am a vegetable-burner from wayback. Just did it yesterday, in fact. Last summer I set our plastic cutting board on fire. Boy, did it reek!
    My husband and I are followers of Christ Jesus, too. And you and your family are getting plunked down only prayer list ASAP.
    Please stop by and visit at my blog. I'm kinda new to thins whole blogging thing, too. Many blessings upon you, :) Maureen

  4. Uh, sorry, that's "new to THIS whole blogging thing." I am not the greatest proof reader in the world. Ah well...
