Sunday, May 18, 2014

No Mating Allowed!

Have you ever gotten to the end of a load of laundry just to find a mate-less sock?  Today I needed to fold some laundry real quick to be able to take some things back to the hospital for Ken.  I got down to the last few things and here was a single sock on my bed!

It was just a small load of personal items, so I wondered "How in the world could I lose just ONE sock?"  I decided to retrace my steps back to the basement.

I found not just one of my husband's socks, but two!  I never dreamed that I could be the cause of the sock problem.  I was certain these missing socks disappeared into the lining of the washer or were absorbed into the flooring of my teen-age sons room! (Can you find the seven socks, some already mate-less?)

So I did what any other good wife would do.  I kept the one sock to match it up and then added the other to the bin of "SOCKS WITHOUT MATES".  

Can you believe we have this many socks without mates?  You'd think there was a sign on the laundry room door saying "NO MATING ALLOWED!"


  1. Even worse- when they mate and the offspring resemble socks you have never seen before and would swear that you NEVER purchased. lol

  2. Happens all the time! Love your little story. Praying for Ken, you and your family, too! ♥

  3. I also have this phenomena in my home, and I live alone! Right now I have 4 mateless socks. Usually what happens is that eventually I will find the mate tucked inside a towel or sheet. Sometimes it shows up at the bottom of the sock drawer, sometimes dragged into the darkness under the bed by a cat. I think they actually like to play tricks on me!

  4. I had to chuckle over this post...I really think my washer eats socks...I have a jar in my laundry room for "Lost Socks"....Sending thoughts and prayers for Ken!!...

  5. Oh how funny! Love your sense of humor! I did the same thing last night...once again I have a mate less sock too. Where do they go or are they gone before they're put in the washer? Lol

    I came over from Diana,s blog Nana takes a Break! My prayers are with you and your husband during this difficult time!

